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Articles et congrès en lien avec TrioCFD

Publié le 26 juin 2019
Saikali E., Bernard-Michel G., Sergent A., Tenaud C., Salem R.: « Highly resolved large eddy simulations of a binary mixture flow in a cavity with two vents: Influence of the computational domain », International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, August 17, 2018

Bernard-Michel G., Saikali E., Sergent A., Tenaud C.: « Comparisons of experimental measurements and large eddy simulations for a helium release in a two vents enclosure  », International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, July 18, 2018


Bieder U., Ziskind G., Rashkovan A.:« CFD analysis and experimental validation of steady state mixed convection sodium flow », Nuclear Engineering and Design, November 17, 2017


Delafontaine S. : « Simulation of unsteady fluid forces on a single rod downstream of mixing grid cell », Nuclear Engineering and Design, March 09, 2018


Bieder U., Costa D. : « Analysis of the IAEA benchmark on heat transfer in a 4x4 rod bundle with mixing grid », Annals of Nuclear Energy, January 22, 2018


Saikali E., Bernard-Michel G.,  Sergent A.,  Tenaud C., Salem R. : « Highly resolve large eddy simulations of a transitional air-helium buoyant jet in a two vented enclosure: validation against particle image velocimetry experiments », Proceeding of the International Conference on Hydrogen Safety, 11-13 Septembre 2017, Hamburg, Germany


Bieder U. : « ANALYSIS OF THE IAEA-BENCHMARK ON FLOW MIXING IN A 4x4 ROD BUNDLE », NURETH-17, Qujiang Int’l Conference Center, Xi’an, China,September 3 - 8, 2017


Saikali E., Sergent A., Bernard-Michel G.,  Tenaud C. : « Large eddy simulations of an air-helium buoyant jet in a two vented enclosure: influence of the outlet boundary condition », Proceeding of the 23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 28 août - 1er septembre 2017, Lille, France


Bois G., du Cluzeau A., Toutant A.,  Martinez J.-M.: « DNS of Turbulent Bubbly Flows in Plane Channels using the Front-Tracking algorithm of TrioCFD », Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, 1er août 2017, Waikoloa, Hawaii


Bhattacharjee S., Ricciardi G., Viazzo S. : « Comparative study of the contribution of various PWR spacer grid components to hydrodynamic and wall pressure characteristics », Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 317, Juin 2017, Pages 22-43


Gerschenfeld, A., Li, S., Gorsse, Y., Lavastre, R. : « Development and Validation of Multi-Scale Thermal-Hydraulics Calculation Schemes for SFR Applications at CEA », International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Next Generation Nuclear Systems for Sustainable Development, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation, Juin 26, 2017


Angeli P.-E., Puscas, M.-A., Fauchet G., Cartalade A. : « FVCA8 benchmark for the Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations with the TrioCFD code », Finite Volumes for Complex Applications 8, Université Lille1, Europe/France, Juin 12-16, 2017, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-57397-7_12


Grahn, A., Gommlich, A., Kliem, S. : « Simulation of a Main Steamline Break scenario using the 3D neutron kinetic core model DYN3D coupled with the CFD software TRIO_U », M&C 2017 - International Conference on Mathematics & Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science & Engineering, Jeju, Korea, Avril 16-20, 2017


Bois G. : « Direct Numerical Simulation of a turbulent bubbly flow in a vertical channel: Towards an improved Second-Order Reynolds Stress Model », Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2 Mars 2017


Bieder U., Ishay L., Rashkovan A. : « CFD ANALYSIS AND EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION OF MIXED CONVECTION SODIUM FLOW», Proceedings of ICAPP 2017 April 24-28, 2017 - Fukui and Kyoto (Japan)


​Bieder U., Errante P. : « Numerical analysis of two experiments related to thermal fatigue », Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 23 Fevrier 2017


Bois G. : « Applications of the Front-Tracking algorithm of TrioCFD to turbulent bubbly flows in plane channels », Workshp on Numerical Modeling of Liquid-Vapor Interfaces in Fluid Flows, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France, 12-13 décember 2016


Bieder U. : « Qualification of a CFD code for reactor applications », aristote, Vérification, Validation et Quantification des incertitudes en simulation numérique (VVUQ), Séminaire Mardi 8 novembre 2016, Amphithéâtre Becquerel, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France


Bois G. : « Analysis of the DNS of a turbulent bubbly up-flow in a channel: shear-stress budgets and near-wall profiles », Dynamics of Evolving Fluid Interfaces – DEFI,  IFPEN/Solaize - 12-13 October 2016


Errante P., Bieder U. : « LES analysis of jets in cross flow », NUTHOS-11, Gyeongju, Korea, October 9-13, 2016


Feng Q., Bieder U. : « CFD Analysis of a Steam Generator Separation Test in the Kozloduy VVER-1000 Reactor », NUTHOS-11, Gyeongju, Korea, October 9-13, 2016


Errante P.: « Large Eddy Simulation analysis of fluid jets in cross flow », 06/10/2016, Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Energetic, Scuola di Ingegneria, Università di Pisa, Italy


Omnes P. : « Optimized Schwarz waveform relaxation methods: theory and applications », CEMRACS 2016 - Numerical challenges in parallel scientific computing, Marseille, France, July 18th - August 26th


Feng Q., Bieder U., Höhne Th. : « Analysis of buoyancy-driven flow in the ROCOM test  », Conference: IYNC2016, At Hangzhou, China, July 2016


Bellec, M., Toutant, A., Olalde, G. : « Large Eddy Simulations of thermal boundary layer developments in a turbulent channel flow under asymmetrical heating », Computers & Fluids, July 2016, ISSN 0045-7930


Bois G., Mathieu B., Fauchet G., Toutant A. : « DNS of a turbulent steam/water bubbly flow in a vertical channel », ICMF 2016, Firenze, Italy, May 22-27, 2016.


Gurgacz S., Bieder U., Gorsse Y. and Swirski K. : « CFD Simulations of Selected Steady-State and Transient Experiments in the PLANDTL Test Facility », 7th European Thermal-Sciences Conference (Eurotherm2016 May), IOP Publishing, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 745 (2016) 032042, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/745/3/032042


Dupuy D., El Gharbi N., Toutant A., Bataille F. : « Energie cinétique et transfert de chaleur au sein des récepteurs solaires », Laboratoire PROMES-CNRS (UPR 8521), Tecnosud-Rambla de la thermodynamique, 66100, Perpignan - France, Université de Perpignan via Domitia


Peybernes M. : « Panorama des applications de TrioCFD - logiciel massivement parallèle de simulation numérique en mécanique des fluides », High Performance Computing and Domain Decomposition Methods HPCDD, Paris 13 University SPC, April 7 2016, Villetaneuse, France

Anderhuber M., Gerschenfeld A., Alpy N., Perez J., Seiler J.-M. : « Simulation of GR19 sodium boiling Experiments with Cathare 2 system code and Trio_U MC subchannel code », NURETH-16, Chicago, IL, August 30-September 4, 2015
Angeli P.-E., Bieder U., Fauchet G. : « Overview of the TrioCFD code: Main features, V&V procedures and typical applications to engineering », NURETH-16, Chicago, IL, August 30-September 4, 2015

Bhattacharjee S., Ricciardi G. : « Modeling of Fluctuating Fluid Forces Exerted on the Walls of a Concentric Annular Pipe using Large Eddy Simulation », NURETH-16, Chicago, IL, August 30-September 4, 2015


Conti A., Gerschenfeld A., Gorsse Y., Cadiou T., Lavastre R. : « Numerical analysis of core thermal-hydraulic for sodium-cooled fast reactors », NURETH-16, Chicago, IL, August 30-September 4, 2015 


Ishay L., Bieder U., Ziskind G., Rashkovan A. : « Turbulent jet erosion of a stably stratified gas layer in a nuclear reactor test containment », Nuclear Engineering and Design, June 2, 2015 


Bhattacharjee S., Ricciardi G. : « LES in a Concentric Annular Pipe: Analysis of Mesh Sensitivity and Wall Pressure Fluctuations », DLES-10 (ERCOFTAC), Limassol, Cyprus, May 27-29, 2015


Krakovich, A., Bieder, U. : « Analysis of the interaction of round jets with stratified light gas layers with a simple turbulence model », International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, Nice; 05/2015


Bieder, U., Angeli, P.-E., Burbeau, A., Calvin, C., Fauchet, G., Peybernes, M., Falk, F. : « LES ANALYSIS OF THE FLOW IN A SIMPLIFIED PWR ASSEMBLY WITH MIXING GRID », 46th Annual meeting on nuclear technology, Berlin; 05/2015


Bieder, U., Falk, F., Fauchet, G. : « CFD analysis of the flow in the near wake of a generic PWR mixing grid », Annals of Nuclear Energy, Volume 82, August 2015, Pages 169-178, ISSN 0306-4549


Bieder, U., Falk, F., Fauchet, G. : « LES analysis of the flow in a simplified PWR assembly with mixing grid », Progress in Nuclear Energy, Volume 75, August 2014, Pages 15-24, ISSN 0149-1970


Bieder, U., Fauchet, G., Calvin, C., Ledac, P. : « High performance Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent flows around PWR mixing grids », Conference: The 16th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications HPCC 2014, At Paris 


Rashkovan, A., Bieder, U., Brinster, J., Ishay, L., Ziskind, G. : « SIMULATION OF LOWMA-3 MISTRA EXPERIMENT », CFD4NRS, Zurich; 09/2014


Ohira, H., Xu, Y., Bieder, U., Velusamy, K., Mochizuki, H., Choi, S., Shvetsov, Y., Sofu, T., Thomas, J., Monti, S., Yoshikawa, S., Stanculescu, A. : « Benchmark Analyses of Sodium Natural Convection in the Upper Plenum of the MONJU Reactor Vessel », International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Safe Technologies and Sustainable Scenarios (FR13), Paris; 03/2013 


Bieder, U., Fauchet, G. : « Analysis of the Natural Convection Flow in the Upper Plenum of the MONJU Reactor with Trio_U », Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations (Impact Factor: 0.34). 05/2013; 2013. DOI: 10.1155/2013/987197


Saxena, A., Bieder, U., Cadiou, T., Viazzo, S. : « Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent flow in wire wrapped fuel pin bundles cooled by sodium », 2013 3rd International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and their Applications (ANIMMA); 06/2013 


Tenchine, D., Barthel, V., Bieder, U., Ducros, F., Fauchet, G., Fournier, C., Mathieu, B., Perdu, F., Quemere, P., Vandroux, S. :;« Status of TRIO_U code for sodium cooled fast reactors », Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 242, January 2012, Pages 307-315, ISSN 0029-5493


Calvin C., Cueto O., Emonot Ph. : « An object-oriented approach to the design of fluid mechanics software », M2AN, Vol. 36, No 5, 2002, pp. 907–921. DOI: 10.1051/m2an:2002038

Toutant A., Chandesris M., Jamet D. & Lebaigue O. : « Jump conditions for filtered quantities at an under resolved interface. Part 1: theoretical development », Int. J. Multiphase Flow, Vol. 35, No. 12, pp. 1100-1118, December 2009Lien DOI

Toutant A., Chandesris M., Jamet D. & Lebaigue O. : « Jump conditions for filtered quantities at an under resolved interface. Part 2: a priori tests », Int. J. Multiphase Flow, Vol. 35, No. 12, pp. 1119-1129, December 2009. Lien DOI 

Ducros, F., Bieder, U., Cioni, O., Fortin, T., Fournier, B., Fauchet, G., Quéméré, P. : « Verification and validation considerations regarding the qualification of numerical schemes for LES for dilution problems », Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 240, Issue 9, September 2010, Pages 2123-2130, ISSN 0029-5493 



Toutant, A., Lebaigue, O., Simonin, O. « DNS of the interaction between a deformable buoyant bubble and a spatially decaying turbulence: a priori tests for LES two-phase flow modelling » Computers and Fluids, 37, pp 877-886, 2008 Lien DOI


Bieder, U., Fauchet, G., Bétin, S., Kolev, N., Popov, D. : « Simulation of mixing effect in a VVER-1000 reactor » Nuclear Engineering and Design, 237 (15-17), pp 1718-1728, 2007  Lien DOI

Chandesris, M., Jamet, D. : « Boundary conditions at a fluid-porous interface: An a priori estimation of the stress jump coefficients » International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 50 (17-18), pp 3422-3436, 2007  Lien DOI

Benarafa, Y., Cioni, O., Ducros, F., Sagaut, P. : « Temperature wall modelling for large-eddy simulation in a heated turbulent plane channel flow » International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 50 (21-22), pp 4360-4370, 2007  Lien DOI

Bieder, U., Graffard, E. : « Qualification of the CFD code Trio_U for full scale reactor applications » Nuclear Engineering and Design, In press, 2007 Lien DOI


Benarafa, Y., Cioni, O., Ducros, F., Sagaut, P. « RANS/LES coupling for unsteady turbulent flow simulation at high Reynolds number in coarse meshes » Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 195, pp 2939-2960, 2006  Lien DOI

Höhne, TH;, Kliem, S., Bieder, U. : « Modeling of a buoyancy-driven flow experiment at the ROCOM test facility using the CFD codes CFX-5 and Trio_U », Nuclear Engineering and Design, 236 (12), pp 1309-1325, 2006  Lien DOI

Chandesris, M., Serre, G., Sagaut, P. : « A macroscopic turbulence model for flow in porous media suited for channel, pipe and rod bundle flows », Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 49, pp 2739-2750, 2006  Lien DOI

Chandesris, M., Jamet, D. : « Boundary conditions at a planar fluid–porous interface for a Poiseuille flow Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 49, pp 2137-2150, 2006  Lien DOI

Caro, F., Coquel, F., Jamet, D., Kokh, S. : « A simple finite-volume method for compressible isothermal two-phase flows simulation », Int. J. Finite Volumes, 3 (1), 2006  Lien Journal

Cioni, O., Marchand, M., Geffraye, G. & Ducros, F. : « 3D thermal hydraulic calculations of a modular block type HTR core Nuclear Engineering and Design, 236, pp 565-573, 2006  Lien DOI

Labourasse, E., Lacanette, D., Toutant, A., Lubin, P., Vincent, S., Lebaigue, O., Caltagirone, J.P., Sagaut, P. : « Towards Large Eddy Simulation of isothermal two-phase flows :governing equations and a priori tests »,. accepté à Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 2006  Lien DOI


Lebaigue, O., Duquennoy, C. & Vincent, S. : « Rise of a spherical cap bubble in a stagnant liquid », Multiphase Science and Technology, Begell House Inc., Vol. 16, Nos. 1-3, pp. 1-5, 2005  Lien DOI

Lemonnier, H., Jamet, D. : « Oscillation of an inclusion immersed in q quiescent fluid »,Multiphase Science and Technology, Begell House Inc., Vol. 16, Nos. 1-3, pp. 31-38, 2005  Lien DOI

Lebaigue, O., Duquennoy, C., Jamet, D., Feuillebois, F. : « Two-dimensional droplet pinning on an inclined wall »,Multiphase Science and Technology, Begell House Inc., Vol. 16, Nos. 1-3, pp. 39-42, 2005  Lien DOI

Jamet, D., Duquennoy, C. : « One-dimensional phase change of a vapor phase in contact with a wall »,Multiphase Science and Technology, Begell House Inc., Vol. 16, Nos. 1-3, pp. 43-60, 2005  Lien DOI

Jamet, D. : « Isothermal vaporization due to piston aspiration », Multiphase Science and Technology, Begell House Inc., Vol. 16, Nos. 1-3, pp. 61-67, 2005  Lien DOI

Vincent, S., Caltagirone, J.P., Lebaigue, O. : « Filling of a cubic mould by a viscous jet »,Multiphase Science and Technology, Begell House Inc., Vol. 16, Nos. 1-3, pp. 83-86, 2005  Lien DOI

Vincent, S. Caltagirone, J.P., Lebaigue, O. : « Poiseuille two-phase flow »,Multiphase Science and Technology, Begell House Inc., Vol. 16, Nos. 1-3, pp. 97-100, 2005  Lien Journal

Vincent, S. Caltagirone, J.P., Jamet, D. : « Phase inversion in a closed box »,Multiphase Science and Technology, Begell House Inc., Vol. 16, Nos. 1-3, pp. 101-104, 2005  Lien DOI

Lemonnier, H., Lebaigue, O., : « Growth of a small bubble immersed in a superheated liquid and its collapse in a subcooled liquid »,Multiphase Science and Technology, Begell House Inc., Vol. 16, Nos. 1-3, pp. 143-158, 2005  Lien DOI

Estivalezes, J.L., Lebaigue, O. : « Droplet impact on hot walls »,Multiphase Science and Technology, Begell House Inc., Vol. 16, Nos. 1-3, pp. 159-164, 2005  Lien DOI

Benzoni-Gavage, S., Danchin, R., Descombes, S. & Jamet, D. : « Structure of Korteweg models and stability of diffuse interfaces Interfaces and Free Boundaries, Vol. 7, n° 4, pp. 371-414, 2005  Lien Journal


Brillant, G., Bataille, F., Ducros, F. : « Larde-eddy simulation of a turbulent boundary layer with blowing »,Theoritical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 17, n°5-6, p.433-443, 2004  Lien DOI

2006 - Congrès avec actes

Toutant, A., Labourasse, E., Lebaigue, O., Simoni, O. : « Interaction between a deformable buoyant bubble and a homogeneous isotropic  turbulence » , Conference on Turbulence and Interactions TI2006, 29 mai - 2 juin 2006,  Porquerolles, France

Mathieu, B., Lebaigue, O., Tadrist, L. : « A Leidenfrost-like effect for the wetting of metal surfaces below saturation temperature – Results and model », 13th Internat; Heat Transfer Conference, 13-18 août 2006, Sydney, Australie

Labourasse, E., Toutant, A., Lebaigue, O., Lubin, P. & Lacanette, D. «  Effects of turbulence on interfacial heat transfer : a priori test and filters », 13th Internat; Heat Transfer Conference, 13-18 août 2006, Sydney, Australie

Bieder, U., Graffard, E. : « Qualification of the CFD Code Trio_U for full scale nuclear reactor applications », CFD4NRS Computational Fluid Dynamics for Nuclear Reactor Safety, 05-07 septembre 2006, Garching, Allemagne

2005 - Congrès avec actes

Benarafa, Y., Ducros, F., Sagaut, P. : « RANS/LES coupling using a forcing term approach », Fourth Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, : Williamsburg , 27-29 juin 2005, Virginia, USA

Bieder, U., Fauchet, G., Bétin, S., Kolev, N., Popov, D. : « Simulation of mixing effects in a VVER1000 reactor », NURETH 11, 2-6 octobre 2005, Avignon, France

Chandesris, M., Serre, G. : « One dimensional averaged (k-e) turbulence model applied to channel, pipe and rod bundle flows », NURETH 11, 2-6 octobre 2005, Avignon, France

Jamet, D., Fouillet, C. : « Direct Numerical Simulations of nucleate boiling flows of binary mixtures », NURETH 11, 2-6 octobre 2005, Avignon, France

Kolev, N., Petrov, N., Aniel, S., Royer, E., Bieder, U. : « VVER-1000 Coolant transient (V1000CT) Benchmark – Overview and status of phase 2 », International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe 2005, 5-8 septembre 2005, Bled, Slovenie

Cioni, O., Ducros, F., Geffraye, G., Perdu, F., Ruby, A.,  Saez, M., Tauveron, N., Tenchine, D. : « Multi-scale analysis of Gas Cooled Reactors through CFD and system codes », Enc’2005 (European Nuclear Conference), 11-14 décembre 2005, Versailles, France

2004 - Congrès avec actes

Höhne, T., Bieder, U. : « Validation of Trio-U for transient accident scenarios – numerical simulations of a rocom buoyancy driven test case», 12th Int. Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ICONE 12, 25-29 avril 2004, Washington, D.C., USA

Bieder, U., Höhne, T. : « Analysis of buoyancy driven coolant mixing by using the code TRIO-U », Annual Meeting on NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY 2004, 25-27 mai 2004, Dusseldorf, Allemagne

Emonot, P., Quéméré, P., Dolias, Y., Marchand, M. : « First Large Eddy Simulation of the Hypi experiment Using a Finite Volume Element Method », 6th Int. Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, Operations and Safety, NUTHOS-6, 4-8 octobre 2004, Nara, Japon

Labourasse, E., Toutant, A., Lebaigue, O. : « Interface-Turbulence Interaction », », Int. Conference on Multiphase Flow, 30 mai - 4 juin 2004, Yokohama, Japon

Mathieu, B., Lebaigue, O., Tadrist, L. : « Influence of a dynamic contact line model on the characteristics of nucleate wall boiling computed with a DNS approach », Int. Conference on Multiphase Flow, 30 mai - 4 juin 2004, Yokohama, Japon

Jamet, D., Ruyer, P. : « A quasi-incompressible model dedicated to the direct numerical simulation of liquid-vapor flows with phase-change », Int. Conference on Multiphase Flow, 30 mai - 4 juin 2004, Yokohama, Japon

Cioni, O., Marchand, M., Geffraye, G., Ducros, F. : « Thermalhydraulic 3D calculations on the core of High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor », HTR 2004, 22-24 septembre 2004, Beifing, Chine

Laucoin, E., Calvin, C. : « A parallel front-tracking method for two-phase simulation », 24-27 mai 2004, Las palmas de gran canaria, Espagne

Ducros, F., Emonot, P., Paillère, H. : « CFD Project for single phase flows », SUPERCOMPUTING 2004, 06-12 novembre 2004, Pittsburg, USA

Simoneau, J.P., Champigny, J.,  Tauveron, N., Geffraye, G. : « Large eddy simulation of mixing in the outlet plenum of a high temperature reactor. A benchmark exercise », Proc. 12th International Conference On Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-12), 25-29 avril, 2004, Arlington, USA


Fiorini C., Després B., and Puscas M. A. : “Sensitivity equation method for the Navier-Stokes equations applied to uncertainty propagation”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2021.




Angeli P.E., Puscas M.A., Cartalade A. and Faucher G. : « FVCA8 Benchmark for the Stokes and Navier-Stokes Equations with TrioCFD Code », Chapter in book : Finite Volumes for Complex Applications VIII: Methods and Theoretical Aspects

2021 - Congrès avec actes

Puscas M.A. : « Sensitivity Analysis for Thermohydrodynamic Models : Uncertainty Analysis and Parameter Estimation » , 10th ECCOMAS Multibody Dynamics, December 12-15, 2021,  Budapest, Hongry

Puscas M.A. : « Numerical simulation of the hydrodynamic interaction of two cylinders vibrating in a viscous fluid », XLII CILAMCE AND III PANACM, Nov 09-12, 2021, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

2022 - Congrès avec actes

Puscas M.A. : « Uncertainty quatification for the Navier-Stokes equations », SHARK-FV, May 23-27, 2022, Minho, Portugal

2018 - Congrès avec actes

Puscas M.A. : « Crouzeix-Raviart multiscale finite element method for Stokes flows in heterogeneous media », ECCM-ECFD, June 11-15, 2022, Glasgow, UK

2020 - Congrès avec actes

Puscas M.A. : « Towards local scale ALE partitioned coupling for non-linear fluid-structure dynamics with turbulent flow », 1srt International Seminar on Fluid-Structure Interaction Modelling for Nuclear Fuel Assemblies, 2020, Aix en Provence, France